Saturday, December 29, 2012

Christmas Present from China

On Christmas Eve we received a
special gift from John. 
A sweet family who where adotping a little boy from the same orphanage John is at, recently delivered a package to John from us.  While they where visiting John made this for us and they brought it back to the states and then mailed it to us.  John seems to have amazing artistic talents.
What a SPECIAL gift!

We also received new photos!



  1. Hi Andrea! I was sent to your blog from a mutual friend of ours Becca Underwood. :) Looks like we are looking at traveling the same time y'all are! We are adopting 2 boys from Henan. Your little man is adorable! I wanted to say hi - and will be following your journey and maybe we will meet up in China! :)

  2. He looks just so happy and fun! We can't wait to meet him!
