Tuesday, May 15, 2012

China ? Sarah! China ? John!

Today I put my first born on a plane to China for 2 months.  Many months ago when she decided to go and we booked her flight we had no idea that the Lord would call us to adopt, or even yet adopt from ChinaBut the Lord knew all along.  Sarah said last night "you will soon have 2 of your children in China".  That is just so hard to even wrap my thoughts around!  But yet I can see that the Lord has been working this out from the very first days of Sarah's life and from the beginning of John's life. He knew that Sarah would travel to China this very day and He knew that John would be our son, and He even knows what day that will take place!

I remember Larry and I dedicating Sarah to the Lord at a very tiny age...I can only view today as an extension of that day! She truly is the Lords and is ready for His service! I can only thank Him and stand in awe for the work He has done in her life even if that means she is soon the be on the other side of the world from me.

I am just amazed out how the Lord works things out when we don't even know there is "anything" going on.  I can't wait to see what the future holds with Sarah and John, my China children!

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